Survive Entrepreneurship · · 4 min read

How to Disconnect Without Disconnecting on Your Vacation (aka how to take time off as an entreprenuer)

How to Disconnect Without Disconnecting on Your Vacation (aka how to take time off as an entreprenuer)
Photo by Toby Osborn / Unsplash

Entrepreneurs don't go on holidays. Founders don't get days off. Paid time off (PTO) is for our team. If there is a day in the week, we work it. This is the reality we embrace when we start a company. We are never fully offline. We are never non-responsive to text, urgent requests or emails with contracts to sign.

If this sounds depressing to you, please reconsider entreprenuership.

Despite this reality, we do have to find select times to significantly reduce our working hours so that we can recharge (aka take time off as an entreprenuer). When I coach leaders to take time off, I routinely tell them, "its good to be missed...but you can't be missed if you never leave." I have been able to take my own advice a couple times in the last several years and am planning to try it again soon via a family vacation.

I don't have a proven formula, magic elixir or a 10-step program to offer. If I did... I would write it out for you. I have seen a few actions work for me and may be worth trying out on your next attempt at a vacation.

Actions to disconnect without disconnecting while on your vacation.

1) Create a detailed coverage plan

Write down everything you need covered task-by-task in a bulleted list. Add the name of the specific person covering that specific task while you are away. Sync with each person covering before you finalize the list so they are clear on the coverage. Be clear in the plan that any actions that come up not on the list go to <insert person's name>.

Write out that you can be texted for critical items that require immediate attention by you only. It won't work but should reduce the volumne of text messages you will receive. Send this coverage plan out days before you leave and again the night before you leave so the team sees the importance. Add this coverage plan to your advanced notification emails to clients and team members. You should also consider including it in your automated out of the office notice. This list will help your team and relieve some pressure for you.

2) Tell everyone that you will be unreachable via phone, email or text when you are out of the office

After I informed a few team members that I would be unavailable during vacation, they seriously asked me, "That's great, so would it be better for me to just text you if I have any questions when you are out?" I responded by saying, "Do you have a pen and paper? Write this down, I will not call or text John when he is on vacation. I own the challenge, the solution and will resolve it." That is what I told them. I will not confess if it worked to the level I wanted but the principle message will help you disconnect.

3) Switch work email to "off" on your mobile phone

Simply go to your iOS/Android settings and turn off your work email syncing. You can always turn it back on to see an inevitable flood of unread messages at anytime. Not seeing the app filled with emails and not having an opportunity to just click to read (which is probability one of your strongest instincts) will help you disconnect.

If this sounds like a magic trick you have never heard of before... you are welcome. Just try it today (its only an on/off switch away) and then change the setting a couple of hours before you start your holiday. When you check-in, just turn on the setting, check your email and then turn it back off at the end of that time block.

4) Schedule check-in slots that don't distract from your family and are away from them

It may be different everyday based on your schedule but find 15 - 30 minute slots where you completely step away. I would recommend being out of view of your family when you do. They don't want to think about your working or see your face while you respond. You don't want to look at them while you respond and associate them with your work on vacation.

It may not sound important but I would be strategic to seperate these check-in sessions from being present with your family. When you step away, quickly address all the high priority actions that require your attention. After you do, shut it off and get back to vacation.

5) Ignore phone calls and text messages while you are gone

That simple. You will receive phone calls and texts while you are away. You have to ignore them until you can get to them. You must adopt a habit of ignoring them when they first arrive or they will own your holiday. Your first reaction to each of them is to respond, but chose to not read, listen or respond until your check-in time. Your mindset needs to be that your team can handle it and you can provide coaching, advice or direct support in a few hours - they will be fine.

6) Nominate your "bat phone" contact and align with them on the plan

You can identify and align with a key leader in your organization to be your urgent outreach. This is probably your co-founder or executive management business owner. I would consider telling this person that they can text you if anything truly urgent that needs your immediate attention arises. You can ignore everyone else until your check-in but if you see a message from this person, you need to find space to immediately step away.

This may sound extreme but has worked for me on every vacation I have taken as an entreprenuer. It will help you take care of the business when something critical comes up and will set your mind at ease when you don't see messages from this leader.

Enjoy your next vacation. Disconnect without fully disconnecting so you can balance being an enterpreneur and recharging for the marathon you are running in your business.

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